9 Benefits and Uses of Argan Oil

9 Benefits and Uses of Argan Oil

Argan oil has been one of the most frequently used basic food ingredients of Moroccan cuisine for centuries. It is preferred not only for its refinement and nutty taste, but also for its many health benefits.

Argan oil is a natural vegetable oil and is obtained from the seeds contained in the fruit of the argan tree.

Although it is unique to Moroccan cuisine, argan oil has not only entered many world cuisines today, but has also started to be used worldwide in the cosmetic sector and various applications in the medical field.

Today we will tell you about the most obvious benefits of argan oil in the field of health.

1. It Contains Essential Nutrients

Argan oil is mainly composed of fatty acids and various phenolic compounds, and the vast majority of its content consists of oleic and linoleic acid.

About 29% to 36% of the fatty acid content of argan oil consists of linoleic acid or omega-6. This makes argan oil a good source of essential nutrients.

Oleic acid, which makes up 43% to 49% of argan oil, is a very healthy fat. Oleic acid, which is also contained in olive oil, is known for its positive effect on heart health.

Argan oil is also a rich source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is very necessary for skin, hair and eye health. Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant.

2. It Has Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Argan oil, which is rich in vitamin E, reduces the harmful effects of free radicals due to its being a powerful antioxidant. 

Other compounds found in argan oil, such as CoQ10, melatonin and plant sterols, also play a role in its antioxidant capacity.

In studies conducted on mice, it was determined that those who were fed argan oil before exposure to a highly inflammatory liver toxin had a significant decrease in inflammatory markers.

According to the results of some studies, it has been found that argan oil can be applied directly to your skin in order to reduce inflammation that may occur as a result of injuries or infections.

However, although the results are positive, more research needs to be done in order to determine how it can be used for medical purposes on humans.

3. It Can Improve Heart Health

Argan oil is a rich source of omega-9 oleic acid.

Oleic acid is found in many foods, especially avocado and olive oil. It is generally known for its heart protective effects.

Studies conducted on a small group of people have shown that argan oil is as beneficial as olive oil in reducing the risk of heart disease due to its positive effect on antioxidant levels in the blood.

In another small human study, lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol and higher blood antioxidant levels were observed as a result of a high intake of argan oil.

as a result of a study on the risk of heart disease conducted on 40 healthy people, it was found that those who consumed 15 grams of argan oil every day for 30 days had a Deceleration of bad LDL and triglyceride levels by 16% to 20%, respectively.

But although the results are positive, more research needs to be done in order to better understand how argan oil can support heart health.

4. It Can Reduce the Signs of Skin Aging

Argan oil has become a popular ingredient that has started to be included in the ingredients of many skin care products today.

A number of studies have been conducted that have concluded that using argan oil in dietary applications also delays aging by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

When argan oil is applied directly to the skin, it has been observed that it supports skin repair and maintenance, thereby reducing the signs of aging.

Argan oil has also been observed in some studies to increase skin elasticity when applied directly or swallowed.

5. It Can Treat Some Skin Conditions

Argan oil has been a popular home remedy used for the treatment of inflammatory skin problems, especially in the last 30 years. Although there is limited scientific evidence supporting its ability to treat established skin infections, it continues to be used frequently.

In addition, current research shows that argan oil is thought to be effective in the treatment of skin tissue due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

6. It Can Support Wound Healing

It has been observed that the use of argan oil can shorten the healing process of wounds. In the studies conducted, it has been observed that there is an increase in wound healing with the use of argan oil in the areas of second-degree burns for a total of 14 days, 2 times a day.

7. It Can Moisturize the Skin and Hair

Argan oil is composed of oleic and linoleic acids, and these acids are vital nutrients that protect the health of the skin and hair.

Argan oil can usually be applied directly to the skin and hair, as well as give effective results when used orally. It has also been observed that oral use also improves the moisture content of women's skin after menopause.

In addition, argan oil has also been observed to reduce broken ends of hair and other hair damage.

8. It is Used to Treat and Prevent Stretch Marks

Argan oil is also often preferred to reduce and prevent cracks that may occur on the skin. Argan oil, which can also help to increase the elasticity of the skin, is also successful in preventing the formation of stretch marks.

9. It Is Used in the Treatment of Acne

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds of argan oil are helpful in reducing rashes and irritations caused by acne on the skin. It has also been observed that it contributes to skin hydration in preventing the formation of acne. But if your acne problems are caused by hormones, argan oil will not be the solution.

If you are having problems with dry skin or irritation in general, argan oil is a good remedy.