What is Almond Oil?

What is Almond Oil?

Approximately 50% of the weight of dry almonds consists of oil. The oil in the almond is extracted by pressing method by applying minimum heat treatment.

Unrefined almond oil retains its nutrients and flavor. A high degree of heat treatment and, in some cases, various chemicals are used to create refined almond oil. Refining process is carried out to make almond oil more resistant to heat. However, after the refining process, it can lose various nutritional values. Sweet almond oil and bitter almond oil are different from each other.

General benefits of almond oil

Almond oil is very rich in vitamins A and E. It also contains magnesium, phosphorus and copper. Almond oil, which is rich in antioxidants, can fight free radicals. Almond oil, which is also anti-inflammatory, has immune-boosting properties.

Almond oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, is also a good helper in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and improving your memory. It is also very useful for reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Skin

Almond oil has been used for many years to rest the skin and to treat wounds and cuts. It is used in Chinese and Ayurvedic practices for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

Apart from soothing dry skin, almond oil can improve your complexion and skin tone. Almond oil is quite emollient. It does this by helping to balance moisture absorption and water loss.

Thanks to its antibacterial and vitamin A content, almond oil is frequently preferred in the treatment of acne.

With the vitamin E it contains, it is also a good helper to heal the damage caused to your skin by the sun.

Almond oil can also be used to delay and reduce the signs of aging and to remove scars.

Almond oil is a good moisturizer that is quickly absorbed by our body. Therefore, it can be used all over your body. In order to get the most out of its benefits, you can apply it either as a ditekr or by mixing it with essential oils. Almond oil is a very good massage and skin care product as well as being a good moisturizer.

Due to its strong antifungal properties, almond oil is a good option for problems such as ringworm and for relieving fungal infections on the feet.

Almond oil can be used gently as a skin and make-up remover.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Hair

If you think that almond oil is only beneficial for your skin, you are wrong. Almond oil, which is a good nutrient, softens and strengthens your hair. Rich in vitamin B-7 (biotin), almond oil is a good option for keeping hair and nails healthy and strong. It is known and preferred as a natural SPF (Sun protection factor) that protects your hair from the harmful effects of the sun.

Due to its antibacterial and fungicidal properties, almond oil is effective in treating the scalp and balancing the yeast that causes dandruff. Being easily absorbed by the skin, it is an effective application tool in moisturizing the scalp and cleaning the hair follicles.

You can also use almond oil to heal damaged hair and smooth out frizz. Before drying your hair, a little bit of almond oil is enough to moisten the ends and smooth the frizz.