Protect your skin from external factors

Protect your skin from external factors

  • The sun, the cold, the pollution
  • Protecting your skin from environmental attacks means adopting a beauty routine dedicated to the natural protective barrier of the epidermis.
  • Ingredients: nutrition, moisturizing, softness and anti-UV filters!
  •  How do you protect your skin from pollution?

  •  Pollution is a real scourge for our skin. Researchers have indeed proven that it accelerates skin aging by releasing free radicals. In addition, this is not the only harmful effect, as it can cause the skin to look more oily or the appearance of imperfections! In short, if you want to keep your skin youthful for longer and get rid of imperfections, your enemy that you need to protect yourself from is pollution.

  •  How?

  •  First of all by adopting a rigorous facial hygiene: remove makeup and cleanse with a milk, cleansing gel or purifying micellar water in the morning and evening if your skin is oily.

  •  I choose my facial cleanser

  •  Then, using a moisturizer that is more or less nourishing after each wash, depending on the structure of your skin: light for oily skin, normal, and more melting for dry skin. A well-moisturized epidermis is better armed against external attacks such as pollution!

  •  I choose my moisturizer

  •  If your skin is showing signs of aggression linked to free radicals (wrinkles, dull skin, imperfections, blackheads, etc.), you can take a course of vitamin E, which is one of the richest antioxidant active ingredients known to date.

  •  I discover the pure active ingredient of Vitamin E

  •  How do you protect your skin from the sun?

  •  UVA and UVB rays have consequences on the epidermis and especially highlight the effects of pollution.

  •  UVA rays are the rays that penetrate the skin the most deeply. They are responsible for the aging of the skin. We also owe the appearance of brown spots due to hyperpigmentation to these ultraviolet rays.

  •  UVB rays cause sunburn. These painful burns can leave scars on the skin in the form of scars that can turn brown over time.

  •  Rule number one, limit exposure to cooler hours and stay in the shade if possible!

  •  The second rule is to use sun protection, which provides adequate protection against UVA and UVB rays. The ideal sun protection factor (SPF or SPF in English) is at least 30. If you have not yet exposed yourself to the sun and your skin is prone to sunburn, you can opt for Livben SPF50+ products that allow you to fight against UVA.

  •  I choose my sun cream

  •  If necessary, after the period of sun exposure, you can calm the game on the melanin side and reduce sun-related brown spots with glabridine, which is a terrific brightening agent and provides a more even complexion.

  •  Another great enemy of the skin: cold!

  •  In winter, the weather becomes drier and your skin is sometimes exposed to freezing temperatures, as well as frequent transitions from cold to hot and vice versa. Conclusion? The skin becomes tense, reddens, aches, becomes uncomfortable... In short, it dries up! In addition, the cold can aggravate some already existing skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis.

  •  One solution: protect the skin well by strengthening the hydrolipidic film. If your skin dries out, be sure to provide extra nutrients with a richer moisturizer (for example, in vegetable oils).

  •  Do you tend to play hermit in winter? Be sure to go out at least once a day, protecting your skin well. Even when hidden, the sun is beneficial to your skin, morale and immune system!