Choosing a Perfume For Men

Choosing a Perfume For Men

If you are looking for a men's perfume, it is important to take the time to find a fragrance that reflects your image. As a matter of fact, the choice of fragrance will not be made in the same way as, for example, the choice of clothes or fashion accessories. A well-chosen perfume reflects your inner being while confirming and developing your personality. For this reason, it is very important that you do not rush when choosing a perfume and think carefully before buying your men's perfume .

Choose a masculine perfume according to the fragrance family

Some men will want to change their smell depending on their mood, the change of climate or season, and even the situation. If you are this kind of guy and you like to diversify your perfume, it is still important to know the fragrance family to which you belong. This, in turn, will allow you to maintain a certain uniformity from one smell to another. The smell of men will also make your choice easier. Here are the different fragrance families you can belong to: 

Citrus family

Fern family 

Woody family

Oriental or amber family 

The Shipre family

The choice of perfume can be just as important for a man as for a woman. Some men will want to find a "signature" perfume that they will always use later. For example, they can choose the same perfume range in different forms: Eau de Toilette (EDT), Eau de Cologne (EDC) and Eau de Parfum (EDP). This allows them to preserve their essence while providing them with a certain variety on a daily basis. 

Choose a masculine perfume according to your fragrance heritage

If you want to find a perfume in your image that can perfectly match your personality, give you confidence and leave a mark on your surroundings, you should take care to choose a perfume that touches you and gives you intense emotion. Only perfumes related to your olfactory heritage can convey this to you. The olfactory legacy is the pool of all smells anchored in our memory. It is built at a very early age, before the age of 7, and continues to grow throughout life with various taste and olfactory experiences.

The choice of men's perfume in the store 

If you want to choose your perfume for men in a perfumery, do not hesitate to inform the consultants about your preferred fragrance type. It is quite discreet, strong, belongs to this or that fragrance family. You can also tell them about the smells that touch you and may correspond to your olfactory heritage. Also, do not hesitate to take the time to test the perfume, as it should be.

Choose a masculine perfume according to your personality

You can choose your men's perfume according to your personality or the character of the fragrance.

Choosing a Perfume According to Your Age

The most important factor to consider when choosing a men's perfume is age. Fragrances are designed according to different stages of human evolution. A child cannot use the same perfume as a teenager. In the same way, a 25-year-old and a 70-year-old cannot use the same perfume. This is confirmed by the fact that our temperament changes with age; our tastes change, and our choices change from one age to another. To help you with your choice, here are the recommendations for men's perfumery by age:

Childhood (up to 12 years): prefer soft and reassuring scents;

Puberty (12-18 years old): prefer fragrances with masculine scents;

Carefree age (19-30 years): prefer fresh and invigorating scents

Claim age (30-39 years old): prefer perfumes with a strong personality;

Age of expression of seduction (40-49 years): choose perfumes that are an expression of seduction and masculinity;

Age of perfection (50-59 years): choose personal care and masculine perfumes;

The age of fixed tastes (60 years and older): give preference to great perfumery classics;

Brave Man

Finally, if you want to be daring in your fragrance choice and want to orient yourself towards a more singular and less common perfume, it might be a good choice to turn to alternative perfumeries or niche perfumeries Apr. When you are looking for unique perfumes, you may be especially interested in oud tree-based perfumes that have a lot of power. Many brands have perfume options with oud tree in the content.

If you want to be original and not limit yourself to men's perfumes, you can choose your perfume from unisex fragrances or even women's perfumes. The most important thing is to create an alchemy between your personality and your skin. Dec. Thus, a feminine perfume can become more masculine on a man's skin.

Moreover, there is also a wide selection of niche or hidden perfumes in unisex perfumes now Apr.

Manly man

He has a strong personality. Therefore, it can be attracted by different types of perfumes. If he is looking for a woman in his own image, charismatic fruit flavors, often spicy and especially seductive, may be preferred. On the other hand, if he likes to excel, softer, modern and contemporary perfumes may be preferred.

Caring man

The attentive man listens to his partner and is often seduced by her elegance and natural charisma. Then the idea will be to emphasize the friend's point of subtlety and modernity. Perfume is therefore perceived as an additional accessory that complements an outfit. Oct. In this case, a wonderful classic or feminine perfume may be preferred.

Sporty guy

Athletes, on the other hand, appreciate dynamic women. Thus, your vitality and active spirit should appear behind you. You can choose citrus-based fruit aromas or vegetable aromas that reveal your natural and radiant side.

Funny guy

The funny guy appreciates being like himself and lightness more. As a result, he succumbs to the freshness of floral notes, decorated with a dose of spices synonymous with fervor. Everything with him is a matter of balance Decoupling between authenticity and being himself.

Romantic man

The most romantic of your friends will definitely be seduced by affectionate gestures and sweetness. There is no shortage of options in romantic fragrances. Jasmine, rose or lilac are among the preferred floral Decents.

Smart guy

Finally, intelligent and more cerebral men will prefer not to fall into mediocrity and discover new types of fragrances. In this case, you will need to give preference to niche perfumes from non-traditional perfum Aprons. Rest assured, these are increasingly available on the market.