What are the benefits of using a humidifier?

What are the benefits of using a humidifier?

 Why use a face moisturizer?

We often forget, but the skin is in direct contact with the outside and is therefore a fragile area that can be quickly marked by signs of aging, redness or quite simply loss of shine.

On the surface of the skin is a hydrolipidic barrier made up of water and lipids that help protect the skin by helping it defend itself against environmental attacks to keep it healthy and hydrated.

On the other hand, when this barrier is damaged, it becomes more vulnerable to outside attack, allowing UV rays and pollution to penetrate while allowing water to escape.

Problem ? This causes the skin to lose its elasticity, elasticity. It can also lead to blemishes, redness, lack of shine, and even premature skin aging, which can appear as brown spots.

This is where the role of the moisturizer comes in: its daily use provides it with the right dose of hydration and lipids, making it possible to rebalance, protect and repair the lipid barrier. Thus, by having a healthy and resistant lipid barrier, we delay the signs of aging and strengthen our ability to protect ourselves. The skin then remains supple, smooth and radiant for longer.

What are the benefits of facial moisturizer?

You will understand: the moisturizing cream makes it possible to deeply moisturize the epidermis and rebuild the hydrolipidic barrier for healthy and supple skin.

+ Strengthens the hydrolipidic barrier for healthy and resilient skin

+ Protects the skin from various external factors (pollution, UV rays, temperature changes) that cause visible damage: wrinkles and fine lines, areas of dryness, imperfections, loss of shine...

+ Protects the skin's youthful appearance for longer by delaying the signs of skin aging

+ Retains moisture at the heart of the skin to provide a plump appearance and plump skin

+ Increases the effectiveness of the active ingredients of previously applied products and prevents them from "escape" from the skin, ensuring good absorption

When should you use your humidifier?

In order to take good care of your skin, it is essential to apply moisturizer twice a day, morning and evening.

Nothing could be easier to know in what order to apply in your skin care routine: morning and evening, we finish with a double cleansing of your skin, followed by serum and eye contour care, followed by a moisturizer. then an SPF (if your moisturizer doesn't already contain it) Our expert advice: We consider applying a moisturizer with SPF every morning (even in winter!), and if it does not contain SPF, we use an SPF over our moisturizer.

This very simple action still protects the skin from UVA and UVB rays that cause faster skin aging, loss of shine and the appearance of brown spots we know as hyperpigmentation.

Why use night cream?

Since the purpose of the day cream and night cream is not the same, we use a special moisturizer for the night. While the daytime moisturizer aims to moisturize more and protect the skin from the attacks it is exposed to during the day (pollution, UV rays, etc.),

especially thanks to the presence of SPF, the night moisturizer is intended to work on regeneration.

Your skin. At night, cell regeneration reaches its peak! Next, we take the opportunity to adopt a cream that is richer in active ingredients and at the same time with nutritional benefits to restore lipids necessary for the proper functioning of the hydrolipidic barrier.

Using only a day cream at night will deprive the skin of the regenerative active ingredients necessary for its health. Conversely, using a night cream during the day runs the risk of being too rich for the skin and not adequately protecting the skin against external factors, causing damage to the hydrolipidic barrier.

Anyway, we systematically choose the day or night cream according to the needs of our skin!