At what age should I start using retinol

At what age should I start using retinol

In case of a delay in skin aging, it is recommended to start using retinol in the late twenties and begin to reduce the first wrinkles.

because cell renewal takes place less in this age group and production is less. collagen drops. It is an excellent preventive and corrective anti-aging treatment.

In case of using retinol for oily or blemish-prone skin, it is usually used earlier (in adolescence) and can also be used in adulthood thanks to its ability to remove dead cells, open and close pores and regulate sebum production.

How to use retinol correctly?

Because retinol is a "potent" active ingredient, it's important to take a few precautions when you start using it.

• Start using gradually: once in 3 days, then once in 2 days, if your skin tolerates it, you can switch to daily use.

• Start with a product with a low amount of retinol to give your skin time to absorb and tolerate this molecule.

• When you start using retinol, stop peeling for a while in order not to tire your skin too much. After 1 or 2 months, you can reuse exfoliating acids such as glycolic acid or malic acid. However, avoid exfoliating your skin just before using retinol.

• Moisturize your skin thoroughly before and after applying retinol, for example a hyaluronic acid serum followed by a moisturizer, as retinol can irritate and dry out or dry the skin.

• Protect your skin with at least SPF 30 (in the form of sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF) every day, as retinol is light sensitive. For this reason, it is preferable to apply it in the evening before going to bed.

What should I do if my skin is irritated, red, or does not tolerate retinol?

It is quite normal to experience redness, dryness or irritation when you first start using retinol. Since cell renewal is faster, dead cells on the skin surface are destroyed as if exfoliated, which dries the skin and makes it more sensitive. However, after 2 or 3 weeks the skin should have time to get used to it and you should no longer experience any areas of redness, tightness or dryness.

If you have been experiencing these feelings for more than three weeks, try reducing the frequency of retinol use. If you observe a burning sensation or intense tingling, we recommend that you stop your treatment. Your skin may not tolerate retinol or be too sensitive for this powerful active.

How long after can we see the effects of retinol on the skin?

The effects of retinol are usually seen between 2 to 3 months or 8 to 12 weeks. However, it is necessary to be regular in application and not forget about the whole maintenance of the routine, such as daily double cleansing, which makes it possible to strengthen the retinol results.

Once again, it all depends on the retinol concentration in your treatment, the frequency of use, as well as your skin.

When is retinol used?

Retinol serum, retinol cream, retinol exfoliator, retinol mask and even retinol eye area: retinol is an ingredient used in many facial treatments, thanks to its multiple benefits and impressive results in reducing signs of age or blemishes.

Concretely, you can integrate retinol into your routine:

• When you exfoliate your skin with a retinol-rich exfoliant such as Multivitamin Thermafoliant. It accelerates cell turnover and exfoliates to improve skin texture and minimize pores. Helps fight deep wrinkles while brightening and integrating the skin.

• In a retinol mask, to strengthen and tighten the skin in less than 10 minutes while giving shine to the skin. Multivitamin Power Recovery Mask is enriched with vitamins A (retinol), C and E to repair, repair and plump the skin. It is necessary for dark-spotted or deeply wrinkled skin.

Retinol purifying night oil

This treatment is essential for skin prone to adult spots and skin aging. Retinol accelerates cell regeneration to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and even out skin tone. Salicylic acid allows it to fade away imperfections and promote exfoliation for purified, smooth and clear skin.

• Age Reversal Eye Complex with retinol around the eyes. Age Reversal Eye Complex is an evening product containing microencapsulated Retinol that helps reduce signs of aging in the skin around the eyes. It is also specially formulated for the delicate eye area, which is the thinnest skin on the face (too sensitive for most Retinol products).

How Does Retinol Work on the Skin?

Does it Cause Dead Skin, Pimples or Redness?

It can sometimes take a few weeks for your skin to get used to Retinol. In the meantime, you may experience "dandruff" and small bumps that look like redness, among other forms of tenderness. This is normal and should stop once your skin builds up retinoid receptors. Some people call it the "cleansing" period, but it's actually your skin.The troll is creating their buyers through exposure.

Does retinol stain?

Retinol does not cause age spots (hyperpigmentation). In fact, it is used to help reduce their appearance. However, Retinol makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, so if you're following a Retinol routine, you should apply sunscreen and apply it often. Any sun damage can offset the effects and cause blemishes and other signs of skin aging to appear.