AHA and BHA Acids

AHA and BHA Acids

Two common ingredients in beauty and skin care products are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs). Both are chemical exfoliants that help remove dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin.

The use of acids in skin care has become very popular in recent years. AHA and BHA Acids can be effective in fighting skin problems such as blemishes, wrinkles and acne by supporting the regeneration of the skin.

What is AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid)?

AHA is a type of acid commonly used in skin care. AHA acids, naturally derived from fruits and dairy products, help to remove dead cells in the upper layer of the skin, revealing a younger and brighter skin. AHA acids are usually derived from compounds such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, and mandelic acid.

What is BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid)?

BHA is a type of fat-soluble acid and is commonly known as salicylic acid. BHA acids are effective against problems such as acne and blackheads by clearing oily residues and clogged pores on the surface of the skin. BHA acids can also penetrate deep into the skin and remove sebum that has accumulated inside the pores.

Benefits of AHA and BHA Acids in Skin Care AHA and BHA acids offer many benefits in skin care. Here are the main benefits of these acids:

Removal of Dead Cells: AHA acids remove dead cells from the top layer of the skin, while BHA acids can penetrate deeper into the skin and open clogged pores. In this way, the skin gains a cleaner and smoother appearance.

Skin Regeneration: AHA and BHA acids accelerate the regeneration process of the skin. AHA acids accelerate the cell turnover in the upper layer of the skin, making the skin look younger and more vibrant. BHA acids, on the other hand, encourage the formation of new cells in the lower layers of the skin and help the skin to have a fresher appearance.

Reducing Spots and Pigmentation Problems: AHA acids can help reduce blemishes and pigmentation problems on the skin. These acids regulate the production of melanin, making the skin tone more even. BHA acids, on the other hand, clear clogged pores caused by blemishes and pigmentation and support a more homogeneous skin color.

Acne and Pimple Control: BHA acids can reduce the appearance of these problems by clearing clogged pores that cause acne and acne. At the same time, BHA acids can prevent skin inflammation and control acne formation.

Which Is Better: AHA or BHA?

So which is better: AHA or BHA? The answer depends on your skin type.

If you have dry skin, you should use AHA as it will be gentler to your skin. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you should use BHA as it will be more effective at penetrating pores and clearing blemishes.

Both AHAs and BHAs are effective at exfoliating the skin and promoting cell renewal, so both have the potential to improve the appearance of your skin. However, each has unique benefits that make it a better choice for certain skin types.

How to Tell if a Product Has AHAs or BHAs Check a product's ingredient list.

Some names for AHAs include:

glycolic acid

Lactic acid

Citric acid

Hydroxycaprylic acid

Hydroxycapric acid

Some names for BHAs include:

Salicylic acid (or related ingredients such as salicylate, sodium salicylate, and willow extract)

Beta hydroxybutanoic acid

tropical acid

Tretocanic acid

How to Use AHAs or BHAs Safely

Take some simple steps to protect your skin:

First, put a small amount of product on a small area of your skin. If you have a reaction, stop using it and talk to your doctor.

Follow the instructions for use of the product exactly and do not use more than recommended.

Do not use the products on infants or children.

Apply sunscreen every day.

AHAs and BHAs work specifically to exfoliate dead skin cells that can cause dullness and breakouts. Dead skin cells also prevent the skin from fully absorbing other skincare products like serums and creams and can potentially clog pores, which means incorporating acids into your routine will boost your glow.

Both AHAs and BHAs can be used day or night. Some products are formulated to be used as an overnight peel, while others (usually serums) are used in the morning to gently exfoliate any dead skin cells.

Why should you use AHA or BHA for your skin care?

AHA and BHA are acids that can be used in skin care products. Both work to improve the appearance of the skin by exfoliating. However, they work in different ways. While AHA works to break down the glue that holds dead skin cells together, BHA works to break down dirt.and goes deep into the pores to remove oil.

Products Containing AHA and BHA Acids If you want to benefit from the benefits of AHA and BHA acids in skin care, there are many product options available. Here are some popular products containing AHA and BHA acids:

Skin Cleansers: Cleansers containing AHA and BHA acids deeply cleanse your skin and at the same time support skin regeneration. By using these products regularly, you can help remove dead cells and oily residues from the skin.

Tonics: Tonics containing AHA and BHA acids are used to tone and balance your skin. Tonics apply a mild acid effect to your skin, tightening pores and improving skin texture.

Peeling Products: Peeling products containing AHA and BHA acids help to clean dead cells and clogged pores on the skin surface. By using these products regularly, you can make your skin look smoother and brighter.

Serums and Creams: Serums and creams containing AHA and BHA acids are formulated to act more deeply on the skin. While these products moisturize your skin, they also fight skin problems such as blemishes, wrinkles and acne.

AHA and BHA acids have an important place in skin care and can be effective in the treatment of many skin problems. AHA acids remove dead cells on the skin surface and promote skin regeneration, while BHA acids open clogged pores and prevent acne formation. Both acids can even out skin tone, reduce the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles, and make skin look smoother, brighter and younger.

However, it is important to be careful when using AHA and BHA acids. When you start using it for the first time or when you switch to using products with higher concentration, you need to be careful to observe your skin's reaction. If side effects such as skin irritation, redness or dryness occur, it is important to reduce the frequency of use or use a more diluted formula.

It is also important to use sun protection after using AHA and BHA acids. These acids can make the skin more sensitive to the sun and increase the risk of sunburn. Protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun by using a broad spectrum sunscreen.

As a result, AHA and BHA acids are effective and popular ingredients in skin care. As Livben, we offer natural and effective skin care products and we aim to support you for a healthy skin with our products containing AHA and BHA acids. However, since every skin is different, it is important to consult a skin care professional considering your skin type and needs.